Understanding and using statistical methods have become more necessary than ever in scientific research and decision-making. With the recent development in IT, statistics have evolved, and developed sophisticated tools and methods for processing complex data. The challenge today is less linked to data acquisition but rather more to how to handle and derive information and knowledge from existing complex data. Unfortunately, due to the lack of knowledge and good statistical ability, some researchers are unable to optimize the data they have acquire with much energy. The Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forestry Estimates (LABEF), in line with its objective of “raising awareness and improving the use of statistics in biological and social sciences”, offers for the academic year 2017-2018, three training modules, each of duration of one week (4 days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) in order to improve the capacity of students, researchers and professionals in data analysis with the free software R. The Laboratory also offers a special module on “Geographic Information System, Forest Modeling and Introduction to Geostatistics” with particular emphasis on species ecological niche modelling, a relatively new, but very popular, dynamic and useful domain.
The training modules offered for the academic year 2017-2018 are:
- Module 1. Geographic Information System, Forest Modeling and Introduction to Geostatistics
- Module 2. Introduction to statistical analyses in R software
- Module 3. Generalized Linear Models: Principles and Applications in R Software
Module organization: Each module lasts four days [Monday to Tuesday-Thursday to Friday] each lasting 3 hours of courses and practices. Participants will be trained on how to report the results of statistical analysis for scientific articles and reports.
How to register: Participants can register for the module of their choice but no later than two weeks before the module starts. Registration is by sending the filled registration form (downloadable here) to contact.labef@gmail.com or filling in the online registration form (available here).
Cost of each module: Each module costs 25,000 FCFA (~50 USD) to be paid no later than one week before the start of the chosen module.
Where to pay the participation fee? Secretariat of the LABEF, Tel: 67 80 86 30 — 65 32 84 65 — 96 17 27 29
How many places are available? The maximum number of places available for a module is 50.
Where will the trainings take place? The LABEF conference room
What is the training language? French