PhD Student
Home institution
ABEF (Laboratoire de Biomathématiques et d’Estimations Forestières)
- 2016: MSc Biostatistics, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, UAC
- 2004: Engineer Degree in Agronomy, Rural Polytechnic Institute of Training and Applied Research, IPR/IFRA, Katibougou, Mali
- 2001: Bachelor Degree in Agronomy, Polytechnic School, Masuku University of Science and Technology, Franceville, Gabon
- 2008 – Present: Associate Researcher, Institute of Agronomic and Forestry Research, IRAF, Libreville, Gabon
- 2006-2010: Regional Officer – Central Africa, Plant Resources of Tropical Africa, PROTA, Libreville, Gabon
Research project
The main goal of my research is to evaluate the sampling bias and model complexity effects on the predictive performance of Inhomogeneous Poisson Process and extensions in the species distribution modelling. My research methodology consists of three phases. The first phase consists of reviewing the Inhomogeneous Poisson Process and its extensions methods for Species Distribution Analysis. The second phase consists of simulation studies, in order to evaluate the empirical performance of a set of Inhomogeneous Poisson Process and its extensions methods. During the third and final phase, I will use robust Inhomogeneous Poisson Process and its extensions methods to analyze and map the spatial distributions of two plant species in the south-eastern region of Gabon.
Awards and distinctions
- 2014-2016: PRASAC Scholarship Award
- 2020: DAAD Scholarship Award (In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme FSA/UAC, 2020)
Total number of publications
- Article: 3
- Calixte, E. N. H., Christian, N., Armel, B. B. J., & Arlette, A. L. E. (2020). Study of traditional mycological knowledge of Pygmy and Bantu populations of Ogooué-Ivindo (Northeast of Gabon), Central Africa. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 7(2), 349‑358.
- Ndoutoumou, P. N., Azi, A. O., Bourobou, J. B., Mba, D. N., & Nkodo, F. (s. d.). Contribution à une meilleure estimation des productions théoriques de l’hévéa (Hevea brasiliensis L.) sur la base des données climatiques au Sud-Ouest Cameroun. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 120, 12018‑12026.
- Bourobou Bourobou, H.P. & Bourobou Bourobou, J.-A., 2012. Thonningia sanguinea Vahl. In: Schmelzer, G.H. & Gurib-Fakim, A. (Editeurs). Prota 11(2): Medicinal plants/Plantes médicinales 2. PROTA, Wageningen, Pays Bas
- judiarmelbourobou@gmail.com
- +229 99511814