Gbènakpon Aubin Yamonwan Guénolé AMAGNIDE

Chercheur associé

Research interests : Generalized Linear Modeling – Hierarchical Modeling – Nonlinear mixed effects models – Simulation and resampling methods -Ecological and Forest Modeling

Gbènakpon Aubin Yamonwan Guénolé AMAGNIDE

Research interests

  • Generalized Linear Modeling
  • Hierarchical Modeling
  • Nonlinear mixed effects models
  • Simulation and resampling methods
  • Ecological and Forest Modeling


PhD student


• 2013-2015: Master in statistics oriented biostatistics, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
• 2007-2012: Environmental Engineering Major Natural Resources Management; High Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
• 2006: Baccalaureate (Major : Mathematical & Biology Sciences), Benin

Research project

Sampling consists in selecting a sample from a population with techniques for efficient and accurate estimating of parameters of that entire population from measurements made on the sample. To overcome problems of quadrat pattern (size, shape, etc.), plotless sampling techniques (PST) were developed. The general objective of this PhD research is an empirical comparison of PST in vegetation studies. Specifically, the study will compare plotless density estimators according, establish method to account for distance measured with errors in density estimation and compare PST in determining the spatial pattern of plant.

Awards and distinctions

  • National scholarship of Benin government, for pursuing university study at an engineering polytechnic school, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, 2006-2012

Profiles and Curriculum

Total number of publications

  • Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 2
  • Communications: 0
  • Documents techniques: 1

Key publications

  1. AUBIN GUÉNOLÉ AMAGNIDE, VALÈRE SALAKO, MARCEL DONOU HOUNSODE, FRANCK SINSIN, VINCENT ORÉKAN, CÉLINE DAN, ROMAIN GLÈLÈ KAKAÏ, 2015. Ecological consequences of anthropogenic pressure in Wari-Maro Forest Reserve (Benin, West Africa). Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 109 (2): 271-289.
  2. Sabai KATE, Aubin AMAGNIDE, Castro G. HOUNMENOU, Elsie L. B. HOUNKPATIN, Brice SINSIN, 2015. Changements climatiques et gestion des ressources pastorales en zone agropastorale au Nord-Bénin: cas de la commune de Banikoara. Afrique SCIENCE, 11(4): 201-215.