Dr. Ir. Rodrigue A.F. IDOHOU
Research interests: Ethnobiology – Biodiversity Informatics – GIS and Remote sending – Ecosystem management and local adaptation to climate changes –
Head of Forest Methods research unit
Research interests
Biodiversity Informatics
GIS and Remote sensing
Ecosystem management and local adaptation to climate changes
Rodrigue Idohou is an Agronomist Engineer (completed in 2011) and has an MSc in Natural resources management (completed in 2012). Thereafter, he was involved in PhD studies (since December 2012) in conservation biology with a special focus on wild palms conservation. Rodrigue research focuses on aspects of the distribution and geography of wild species, impact of human-induced factors on wild species conservation, spatial prioritization, planning, and wild species propagation. His work is collaborative in nature, and usually involves geographers, computer scientists, and biologists. He also took parts in several outstanding local, national and international trainings, workshops and conferences.
Awards and distinctions
2014: International Foundation for Science, Sweden
2014: Wild idea Grant for purchasing Research Equipment
2012: Grants from “Explorers club Grant Funding”
2011: Full scholarship for MSc studies in Management of Natural Resources and Biodiversity
2006-2011: Full national five years scholarship for Agricultural studies.
Profiles and Curriculum
Total number of publications
- Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 6
- Communications: 3
- Documents techniques: 4
Key publications
- IDOHOU R., KASSA B., SALAKO V.K., FANDOHAN B., YEDOMONHAN H., GBEDOMON R.C., GLELE KAKAI R.L., ASSOGBADJO A.E. (2014) Biodiversity conservation in home gardens: Traditional knowledge, use patterns and implications for management. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 10 (2): 89-100.
- AKOUEHOU G.S., GOUSSANOU C.A., IDOHOU R., DISSOU F.E., AZOKPOTA P. (2014) Importance socioculturelle de Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (Moraceae) au Sud-Bénin, Journal of Applied Biosciences 75:6173– 6182.
- SALAKO K. V., FANDOHAN B., KASSA B., ASSOGBADJO A.E., IDOHOU A.F.R., GBEDOMON R.C., CHAKEREDZA S., DULLLO M.E. & GLELE KAKAÏ R. (2013) Home gardens: An assessment of their biodiversity and potential contribution to conservation of threatened species and crop wild relatives in Benin. Genetic Resources Crop Evolution. 61:313 – 330.
- IDOHOU R., ASSOGBADJO A.E., FANDOHAN B., GOUWAKINNOU N.G., GLELE KAKAI R.L., SINSIN B. & MAXTED N. (2013) National Inventory and Prioritization of the Crop Wild Relatives: case study for Benin, Genetic Resources Crop Evolution 60:1337–1352.
- IDOHOU R., DJAGOUN C.A.M.S., ASSOGBADJO A.E. & CODJIA J.T.C. (2013) Soil and environmental factors affecting habitat selection of the land snail species in different forest habitats of Dassa-zoumé district (central Benin), QScience Connect.31 http://dx.doi.org/10.5339/2013.31
- rodrigidohou@gmail.com
- (+229) 97938303