Dr. Ir. Epiphane SODJINOU
Research interests : Econometrics/statistical analysis – Marketing of forest and agricultural products – Empirical research – Development studies – Applied Microeconomics
Associate member
Research interests
- Econometrics/statistical analysis
- Marketing of forest and agricultural products
- Empirical research
- Development studies
- Applied Microeconomics
- April 2011: PhD. in Development Economics, University of Copenhagen. Thesis: Poultry-Based Intervention as Tool for Poverty Reduction and Gender Empowerment: Empirical Evidence from Benin.
• September 2001: M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Belgium. Thesis: Re-sampling techniques with S-PLUS 2000 software: application on linear regression.
• March 2000: Agricultural economics Engineer, Faculty of Agriculture; University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. Thesis: Economic analysis of the industry of non-conventional food in Benin: Case study of African giant snail industry in Atlantique and Littoral regions.
Awards and distinctions
2015 – 2019: Organic Cotton for Employment, Growth and Environment? Funded by Danish Ministry of Foreign Affaire. (Together with other partners from Tanzania and Danmark)
2013-2015: “Formulation of technically efficient and economically viable feeds for fish farming in Benin”, financed by “West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program”/The World Bank
2009: Adoption and impact of village poultry improvement technologies in Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)
2009: Performance, efficiency and dynamic poultry products markets in Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)
2009: Microfinance and village poultry farming as tool for abject poverty reduction in Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)
2006: Preference and Consumption Patterns for Yam Products Among Urban Households of Cotonou and Porto-Novo, Benin. Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), through “Improving Livelihoods in Rural West and Central Africa through Productive and Competitive Yam Systems”, IITA.
2006: Characterization and evaluation of INRAB’s research-development sites of the Northern part of Benin. Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)
2005: Viability of modern poultry farming in South-Benin: financing strategies and early detection of riskier farms (second part). Funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)
2004: Management, technical and economic performance of grasscutter farms in the South and Centre of Benin. Funded by “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)
2004: Modern and Traditional Local Institutions of management of the natural resources, contradictory situations and various conflicts surrounding these resources in Benin. Funded by the International Foundation for Science (IFS) and the Institute of Advanced Studies of United Nations University (IAS/UNU).
2004: Viability of modern and semi-modern poultry farming South-Benin: financing and early detection of riskier farms.
2003: Determinants of the adoption of grass-cutter rearing in the North of Benin. Funded by “Projet d’Appui à la Recherche Agricole (APRA)” of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (PADSA)
Profiles and Curriculum
- AGRODEP: http://www.agrodep.org/fr/users/esodjinou
- Google Scholars page : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6hdyCdwAAAAJ
- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Epiphane_Sodjinou
Total number of publications
- Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 14
- Communications: 12
- Documents techniques: 8
Key publications
- odjinou E.. Glin L.C., Nicolay G., Tovignan S., Hinvi J. (2015). Socioeconomic determinants of organic cotton adoption in Benin, West Africa. Sodjinou et al. Agricultural and Food Economics 3:12. DOI 10.1186/s40100-015-0030-9
- Sodjinou E., Henningsen A., Koudande D.O., Biaou G., Mensah G.A. (2014). Consumers’ Preferences for “Bicycle Poultry” in Benin: Implications for the Design of Breeding Schemes. Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies – Revue d’Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement. Accepted for publication.
- Sodjinou, E., Henningsen, A., Koudande, O. D. (2013). Improving village poultry’s survival rate through community-based poultry health management: evidence from Benin. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45:59–66.
- Sodjinou, E., Henningsen, A. (2012). Community-Based Management and Interrelations between Different Technology Adoption Decisions: Innovations in Village Poultry Farming in Western Africa. FOI Working Paper 2012/11, Department of Food and Resource Economics. (available at: http://okonomi.foi.dk/workingpapers/WPpdf/WP2012/WP_2012_11_village_poultry_farming.pdf)
- Sodjinou E., koudandé O.D. (2008). Functioning of indigenous chickens market in south and centre of Benin. Annales des sciences agronomiques du Bénin. 11(2): 125-150.