Bidossèssi Eliane Juliette ASSOGBADJO
Bidossèssi Eliane Juliette ASSOGBADJO
Research interests
- Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge
- Influence of climate change on current and future distribution of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs)
- Valorization and conservation of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs)
PhD student
After my High School Diploma in Biology and Chemistry in 2002, I enrolled for a Master I course in Geography at the Faculty of Literature Arts and Human Sciences followed by a Master II Course in Natural Resources and Biodiversity Management at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin) which I successfully completed in 2012 and 2015, respectively. I am currently a PhD candidate in Climate Change & Biodiversity at the Center of Excellence in Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture (CEA-CCBAD) in Ivory Coast.
Research project
My PhD research project entitled ‘’Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge in the areas surrounding the Lama forest in Benin’’ aimed at documenting biodiversity and knowledge of local people who are daily exposed to the effects of climate change in the surrounding areas of Lama Forest in Benin. Through this work, we will investigate the diversity and richness of food and medicinal tree species across different agroforestry systems, indigenous knowledge and effect of climate change on the current and future distribution of these species, as well as conservation and valorization strategies for the priority species identified.
Awards and distinctions
- PhD Scholarship from the Center of Excellence in Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture (CEA-CCBAD) of the World Bank.
- Master research grant from the Wild Palm Project through the competitive Grant of the University of Abomey-Calavi
Profiles and Curriculum
Total number of publications
- Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 0
- Communications: 0
- Documents techniques: 4
Key publications
- ASSOGBADJO B.E.J. (2016): report on the inventory of local strategies for adapting crop calendars to climate change and variability in the different agro-ecological zones of Benin. Surveyed areas: Sinendé, N’dali, Bembèrèkè and Tchaourou townships, INRAB, Benin, 25p.
- ASSOGBADJO B. E. J. (2014): Progress report on the activities of transplantation of baobab, tamarind and néré seedlings in Bétérou commune of Tchaourou, CIDEV ONG, Benin, 10p.
- ASSOGBADJO B. E. J. (2014): report of the follow-up extension mission on tamarin, Baobab and Néré tree nursery establishment in Bétérou and Tchaourou townships. CIDEV NGO, Benin, 11p.
- ASSOGBADJO B. E. J. (2014): Training on establishment and management of fertilizing and anti-erosive agroforestry technology in Dassa-Zoumè, Zagnanado and Bétouou townships, 19p.
- ASSOGBADJO B. E. J. (2013): Report on the identification of stakeholders involved in the Ouémé watershed: Case of the municipality of Zagnanado, LEA, UAC, CIDEV NGO 26p.