Chénangnon Frédéric TOVISSODE


Research interests: Non-parametric statistics – Bayesian statistics

Chénangnon Frédéric TOVISSODE

Research interests


  • Biometrics
  • Scale mixture of skew normal distributions in mixed models
  • Semi non parametric distributions in mixed models
  • Multivariate non-linear mixed effects models


PhD student


2014 – 2016: Master in Biostatistics, Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin (to be completed in 2016)

April 2013 : BSc in the Management of Natural Resources, High National School of Agronomic Sciences and Technics, University of Abomey-Calavi

July 2009: G.C.E.A-levels certificate in Biology, chemistry and Mathematics

Research project

Linear, Generalized linear and Nonlinear mixed models using more flexible distribution assumptions, especially those including the normal distribution as a proper special case. The goals are to (i) design mixed models based on Scale mixture of skew normal distributions and Semi non-parametric distributions for random effects (and for residuals when applicable); (ii) provide fitting procedures for estimation; (iii) design statistical tests for testing significant departure from normality; (iv) study the performance of procedures in fitting models; (v) develop an R library offering function for popularizing the proposed models; (vi) apply the developed mixed-modeling approaches to forest recovery data

Awards and distinction

Profiles and Curriculum

Total number of publications

Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 4

Communications: 0

Documents techniques: 1

Key publications

  1. Tovissode C. F. (2017). Empirical performance of stochastic EM algorithms in non linear mixed models under scale mixture of skew normal distributions. Master thesis, Laboratoire de biomathématiques et d’estimations forestières, Faculty of Agronomic sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. 79p.
  2. Tovissode C. F., Honfo S. H., Salako V. K., Gnanglè C. P., Mensah S. and Glele Kakaï R (2015). Population structure of two bamboo species in relation to topographical units in the Republic of Benin (West Africa): implications for sustainable management. Acta Botanica Gallica 162(1): 89-96.
  3. Adandé Belarmain Fandohan, Flora Josiane Chadare, Nounagnon Gerard Gouwakinnou, Chénangnon Frédéric Tovissode, Alice Bonou, Frejus S. Djonlonkou, Loetitia F.H. Houdelo, Corine Laurenda B. Sinsin, Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo (2017). Usages traditionnelles et valeur économique de Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Daniell. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 332(2) :17-30.