Dr. Ir. Charlemagne D.S.J. GBEMAVO
Research interests : Statistical Modeling and Geostatistics ; Forest Ecology ; Agroforestry
Head of Biomathematics and Applied Statistics Research Unit
- • Statistical Modeling and Geostatistics
• Forest Ecology
• Agroforestry
I am an Agronomist and Forester (Engineer, MSc and PhD). I followed complementary courses in Biometry (Master) and in Economics and Management (Bachelor). In Forest field, my research deals with Population Ecology, Forest Estimation and Spatial Modeling. I also teach Biostatistics and Forest Estimation lessons at Bachelor and Master Degree level at the National Universities of Benin. I play the role of Biostatistician in several national or regional research projects (IFWA, YAM Project for Africa, etc….). As a data analyst, my research is very collaborative and includes several institutions/labs and research axes.
Research project
PhD research project
My PhD research focused on the simulation of ethnobotanical indices and modeling of production dynamics of the physic nut (Jatropha curcas L. – a biofuel plant) in Benin (West Africa). Research activities established the empirical sampling distribution of bootstrap ethnobotanical indices to better analyze the diversity of endogenous knowledge and uses of J. curcas and modeled yield, germination dynamics, and stock of biomass and carbon of J. curcas. The results showed that the indices of Informant diversity and equitability value of J. curcas vary little according to the size of the respondents. According to the predictive model of seed yield, only the number of tertiary branches and total height could account for half of the variation in seed yield. The germination rate of J. curcas seeds is logarithmic. One hectare of J. curcas plantation of 1111 feet aged 3 years sequestered on average 10787.81 kg C.
Postdoc research project
My postdoctoral studies are focused on the (i) Bootstrapping knowledge and use indices for reliable estimation and inference in quantitative ethnobotany (ii) the theory of meta-analysis and its application in forestry and (iii) the Spatially explicit assessment of the suitable areas for the threatened Iroko’s (Milicia excelsa Welw. C.C. Berg) conservation in Benin : a combination of geostatistics and ecological niche modeling
Awards and distinctions
- Rufford Small Grant Foundation (England), 2017 https://www.rufford.org/projects/dossou_seblodo_judes_charlemagne_gbemavo)
- PhD fellowship (2011-2014) from the African Union Jatropha Project (PJUA-Benin)-Regional Project (Benin-Burkina-Faso and Senegal)-African Union Research Grant.
- Master of Science fellowship (2009-2010) from the Support Multinational Project on Cotton and Textile (PAFICOT-Benin)-Regional Project (Benin- Burkina-Faso and Mali).
Profiles and Curriculum
- GoogleScholars: scholar.google.fr/citations?user=GXtKZOgAAAAJ&hl=fr
- Research gate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Charlemagne_Gbemavo
- ORCID : http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8328-2618
Total number of publications
- In peer review journals: 34
Key publications
- Pomalégni, S. C. B., Gbemavo, D. S. J. C., Gnanglè, P. C., Djossou, S. R., Kenis, M., Babatoundé, S., … & Mensah, G. A. (2018). Seed cake of Jatropha curcas (L.), potential substrate to produce maggots as feed for reared monogastric animals. JAPS: Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 28(6).
- Sankara, F., Pousga, S., Dao, N. C. A., Gbemavo, D. S. J. C., Clottey, V. A., Coulibaly, K., … & Kenis, M. (2018). Indigenous knowledge and potential of termites as poultry feed in Burkina Faso. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1-8.
- Moussa, A. A., Salako, V. K., Gbemavo, D. C., Zaman-Allah, M., Kakaï, R. G., & Bakasso, Y. (2018). Performances agro-morphologiques des variétés locales et améliorées de maïs au sud-ouest du Niger. African Crop Science Journal, 26(2), 157-173.
- Gbaguidi, A.A., Dansi, A., Dossou-Aminon, I., Gbemavo, D.S.J.C., Orobiyi, A., Sanoussi, F., & Yedomonhan, H. (2018). Agromorphological diversity of local Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) collected in Benin. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 65(4), 1159-1171.
- Alohou, E.C., Gbemavo, D.S.J.C., Mensah, S., & Ouinsavi, C. (2017). Fragmentation of Forest Ecosystems and Connectivity Between Sacred Groves and Forest Reserves in Southeastern Benin, West Africa. Tropical Conservation Science, 10, 1940082917731730.
- cgbemavo@yahoo.fr
- (00229) 97474665/95622186