Biowa Ceptime Galilée AHLONSOU
Research interests: Agricultural modeling – Linear models – Crop production – Distance functions methods – Statistical analysis.
PhD Student
Home institution
LABEF (Laboratoire de Biomathématiques et d’Estimations Forestières)
- 2014 – 2017: Master in Statistics oriented Biostatistics, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin.
- 2009 – 2012: BSc in Agronomy (Vegetable production), National High School of Agricultural Sciences and Techniques of Djougou, University of Parakou (Benin).
- July 2009 : GCE A’level certificate in Biology and Geology, Benin.
Research project
The use of single-production function is widespread in agricultural sector for efficiency analysis since last decades. However, this approach is analytically inappropriate to accommodate the multi-input and multi-output production technology which is especially observed in the public sector, where policy makers usually face multi-dimensional decisions and budget trade-offs, but it is also the case in many other areas in particular agriculture area since agricultural data often do not satisfy the requirements of classical approach. As a result, distance functions methods have been introduced to overcome some limitations of single-output production function by providing a functional characterization of the structure of the multi-output and multi-input production technology. However, although most of published studies in agricultural field involve distance functions methods, it is surprisingly that a few of them focus on organic farming systems. Therefore, this PhD project aims at making an updated review of distance functions by assessing the use and the performance of the distance functions methods in organic farming efficiency analysis.
Awards and distinctions
2009 – 2012: National scholarship from Benin government for my Bachelor’s degree studies.
Profiles and Curriculum (ResearchGate page. Google scholar, LinkedIn, etc.)
Total number of publications
- Article: 0
- Communication: 0
- Technical document:0
- aceptime@yahoo.com
- +229 66180813