A great talk on time-to event modelling and its application in agriculture

It was a great pleasure to have Dr Gbemavo Charlemagne for our second scientific talk of the academic year 2019-2020. About 70 participants attended the event and enjoyed the talk and discussions. This talk focused on “Time to event modelling: applications in agriculture”. Participants were students, researchers from various research institutions (Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications, Faculty of Science and Techniques, Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, Faculty of Economics Sciences, and Faculty of Health Sciences (FSS). They all were enthusiastics and happy to know more about this approach and how to handle it.

We are grateful to Dr Gbemavo for his time and appreciate his effort in improving our knowledge and capacity on that topic.

Stay tuned for the next events. Visit our webpage and save the dates

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