September, 2018

  • 13 September

    OSFACO Programme: Knowledge share workshop

        The Coordination of the project “Establishment of a land use dynamics assessment system and monitoring of management indicators of the Mono Delta transboundary biosphere reserve (SESI-RBTM)” benefiting from the technical and financial support of the OSFACO program and the GIZ, organizes a project results feedback workshop coupled with a …

August, 2018

July, 2018

  • 25 July

    Training opportunities: Save your seat

    Module 3. Generalized Linear Models: Principles and Applications in R Software Background In statistical modelling, the general linear model (e.g., linear regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, etc.) has long been used in many situations. But this model is based on a strong hypothesis: the error term follows a normal distribution with the …

  • 18 July

    Call for abstracts

    ECOSYSTEMS SERVICES AND BIOSPHERE RESERVES IN BENIN Background The nature provides human with diverse benefits referred to as ecosystem services (ES), usually categorized as common goods. Assessment and economic valuation of ES are of increasing interest with emerging tools and methods undergoing experimention and validation processes. In the framework of …

  • 6 July

    23 scientific papers for the first semester of 2018 (27.78% of progress)

    Dear Members and followers, We are happy to share with you the publications of LABEF for the first semester of 2018. Congratulations to all the authors. Lazaro, M., 1;2, Gbeha, M. and Romain Glèlè  Kakaï (2018). Influence of Missing Value Imputations on the Performance of Canonical Correspondence Analysis: Ecological Applications. African Journal of Applied Statistics Vol. …

June, 2018