Call for Scholarship Applications 2020-2021

In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme” Sub-Saharan Africa at University of Abomey-Calavi, Doctoral school of agronomic and water sciences in Benin – Strengthening Higher Education and Research in West and Central Africa

Background: DAAD through the “In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), offers scholarships for PhD and Master studies. The programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustainable development.

As part of this programme, the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Abomey-Calavi offers a Master and a doctoral study programmes in biometrics, an area with strong relevance to national development of Sub-Saharan African countries.

Application fields: Master in Statistics (Major Biostatistics) & Doctorate in Agronomy (Major Biometrics).

Language of application: All applications MUST be submitted in English.

Target group: graduates and postgraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa with a first academic degree if applying for the Master’s programme, or with a Master’s degree if applying for the doctoral programme who want to pursue studies in biostatistics/biometrics in their home country or in another Sub-Saharan African country. Applicants should be university staff or academically trained personnel of public sector.

Number of scholarships: 2 Doctorates & 2 Masters from Benin 5 Doctorates & 6 Masters from other Sub-Saharan countries

Eligibility criteria – To be admitted in the Master programme, applicants must hold a bachelor or a master degree in agricultural/biological sciences or in mathematics/statistics with prerequisites in Statistics. For the doctoral programme, applicants must hold a Master’s degree in these fields. In addition, applicants must fit DAAD eligibility criteria, available here.

How to apply The application process contains two steps

First step: Applicants must apply for their studies at University of Abomey-Calavi, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences following guidelines (documents and how to apply) below (candidates for the Master’s programme):

  • Motivation letter to the Coordinator of the Master
  • Academic degrees
  • Academic transcripts
  • An academic reference letter from a lecturer-researcher
  • Certified copy of the Certificate of Birth
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Program of the courses already followed by the applicant

 Application file for doctoral candidates includes:

  • Cover letter of application to the Director of the doctoral school of agronomic and water sciences
  •  Motivation letter to the Coordinator of the doctoral training in Biometrics
  • Concept note of the research project (not more than 10 pages) from the applicant/candidate
  • CV of the applicant including if possible a list of scientific publications
  • Copy of official academic transcripts of the applicant, for the Master in Biostatistics/biometrics and for the Bachelor. Please supply the official explanation of the grading system.
  • Copy of certificates for the Master in Biostatistics/biometrics and for the Bachelor
  • Letter of support from a lecturer-researcher

UAC Deadline: 15th December 2019.

Second step: DAAD reserves the right of final selection. Only the pre-selected candidates are asked to log into the DAAD portal, register themselves and submit an DAAD application. DAAD Deadline: 7th February 2020. More detailsare available here.

Contact: Prof. Romain L. Glèlè Kakaï, University of Abomey-Calavi, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences ; E-Mail: /

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