Seminar of March: Estimation of gene, pollen and seed dispersal distance using molecular markers

In the frame of its monthly scientific seminars, the LABEF is pleased to announce that the seminar of the month of March 2017 will be on the topic: Estimation of gene, pollen and seeds dispersal distance using molecular markers.

Details of the seminar are as follows:

  • Topic: Estimation of gene, pollen and seeds dispersal distance using molecular markers
  • Date: Friday, March 10th 2 017
  • Hours: 17h15-18h15
  • Presenter: Dr. Kasso Daïnou, Researcher and Lecturer at Université Nationale d’Agriculture, Bénin; Associate researcher at Laboratoire de Foresterie des régions tropicales et subtropicales, Université de Liège, Belgium
  • Venue: Conference room of LABEF (second floor of the building F/CBIG)
  • Language: French (communication) and English (slides)
  • Abstract: Download here

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