Dr. Ir. Gisele Koupamba SINASSON SANNI

Research assistant

Research interests: Plants Conservation – Forest Management – Invasive Ecology – Agroforestry – Climate Change


Associate member

Research interests

  • Plants Conservation
  • Forest Management
  • Invasive Ecology
  • Agroforestry
  • Climate Change


  • • 2012-now: PhD in progress in Forestry and Natural Resources Management, University of Abomey-Calavi
    • 2010: MSc in Forestry and Natural Resources Management, University of Abomey-Calavi
    • 2008: Engineer Degree in Forestry and Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou
    • 2006: Bachelor Degree in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou

Research project

I am conducting my PhD research project on the distribution, population structure and dynamics of Mimusops andongensis Hiern, a native valuable species in Africa. This research work aims to assess the ethnobotany and ecology of Mimusops andongensis Hiern, to model its potential distribution and characterize its population structure, dynamics and spatial distribution patterns of individuals and also to experiment with vegetative propagation methods.

Awards and distinctions

  • 2013: International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden, Grant D/5467-1.
  • 2012: Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) Postgraduate Training Fellowship.
  • 2010: Beninese High Education Postgraduate Fellowship (Academic Training Courses, Field Works and Subsistence).

Profiles and Curriculum

Total number of publications

  • Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 1
  • Communications:0
  • Documents techniques: 0

Key publications

  1. Sinasson S.K.G., Ganglo C.J., Natta A., De Cannière Ch., Devineau J-L. & de Foucault B., 2011. Phytocénose à Mallotus oppositifolius (Geisl.) Müll. Arg. et Macrosphyra longistyla (DC.) Hiern dans le sous-bois des plantations privées de teck (Tectona grandis L.f) dans la Commune d’Abomey-Calavi, Sud-Benin. Acta Botanica Gallica.