Dr. Ir. Achille HOUNKPEVI
Research interests : Plant ecology – Plant adaptations to environmental change – Biodiversity conservation – Wood anatomy – Neglected and underutilized plant species
Research assistant
Research interests
Plant ecology
Plant adaptations to environmental change
Biodiversity conservation
Wood anatomy
Neglected and underutilized plant species
I studied agronomic sciences at the University of Abomey-Calavi and graduated with focus on natural resources management (Diplome d’Ingenieur Agronome, option Amenagement et gestion des resources naturelles). In the same option and faculty, I did my master’s of sciences (Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies). For the achievement of these degrees, I worked on the ecological characteristics of the plant communities in the natural forest of Lama (south Benin). Since 2012, I am enrolled in the Graduate Research Programme (GRP) Climate Change and Biodiversity, UFR Biosciences at the University Felix Houphouet-Boigny in Cote d’Ivoire as a PhD student. This GRP is one of six doctoral programmes of the West African Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land use (WASCAL), an initiative of the German Government.
Research project
For my PhD, I am working on: Conservation and ecological adaptations of black plum (Vitex doniana Sw., verbenaceae) to climatic conditions in Benin. Through this research, we want to assess some of the mechanisms used by the species to fit in various habitats mainly regarding climatic conditions. Then, we are assessing (i) its ethnobotany through the country; (ii) its ecology and structural characteristics of its populations according to climatic zones; (iii) its morphological traits regarding climatic zones; (iv) its wood anatomical features, and (v) the impacts of future climate change on its geographical range.
Awards and distinctions
PhD scholarship (2012-2015) from the German Government under the West African Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land use (WASCAL) program.
National scholarship (2002-2008) from the Benin Government for my university studies.
Profiles and Curriculum
- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Achille_Hounkpevi4
Total number of publications
- Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 1
- Communications: 1
- Documents techniques: 0
Key publications
- Hounkpèvi A., Yèvidé A. S. I., Ganglo C. J., Devineau J.-L., Azontondé A. H., Adjakidjè V., Agbossou E. K., De Foucault B., 2011. Structure et écologie de la forêt à Diospyros mespiliformis HOCHST. EX A. DC. et à Dialium guineense WILLD. de la réserve de Massi (La Lama), Bénin. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques n°308 (2): 33 – 46.
- hounkpeviachille@gmail.com
- +229 96 39 88 75