Dr. Ir. Thierry Dèhouégnon HOUEHANOU
Research interests : Ecology – Ethnobotany – Conservation biology of plant biodiversity – Agroforestry – Natural pasture management
Associate member
Research interests
- Ecology
- Ethnobotany
- Conservation biology of plant biodiversity
- Agroforestry
- Natural pasture management
Houehanou Dèhouégnon Thierry is a young scientist from Benin, with a background in Agronomy. He holds a PhD in Natural Resources Management at University of Abomey Calavi (Republic of Benin) in 2012. After two years of post doc ( 2012- 2014) at University of Abomey Calavi (Benin), he is working currently as Assistant lecturer in Management of Natural Resources since October 2014 at University of Parakou (Benin). He is mostly ineresting on conservation of and management of threatened tree species and ethnobotany of useful tree species in West Africa.
Awards and distinctions
2014: African-German Network of Excellence in Science – Award for Junior Researchers
2013: Complete Travel grant for participation in 3rd international Conference on Neglected and Underutilized Species for a Food- Secure Africa (Accra, Ghana)
2013:Research grant funding by International Foundation for Science (IFS), Grant
2012: Postdoc research grant at University of Abomey Calavi, 12/2012
2010: BIOTA-West : Complete travel grant for participation in Final Workshop of BIOTA-West (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
2009: Special DAAD Bursary for a field visit and training in Ecology, Germany.
2008: BIOTA-Africa (Biodiversity for Transect Analysis) : Complete travel grant for participation in international congress of BIOTA-Africa (Spier, South Africa)
2007-2010: Doctorate research grant funding by German Federal Ministry for Education and Research through BIOTA (Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis) program in Africa,
2006:Small grant research funding by African Network for Agroforestry Education (ANAFE)
Profiles and Curriculum
ResearchGate page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thierry_Houehanou
GoogleScholars page: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4-om3usAAAAJ&hl=en
Total number of publications
- Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 11
- Communications: 1
- Documents techniques: 1
Key publications
- Mensah, S.; Houehanou, D. T.; Etotépé Aïkpémi Sogbohossou, E. A. ; Assogbadjo, A. E.; Glèlè Kakaï, R. 2014. Effect of human disturbance and climatic variability on the population structure of Afzelia africana Sm. ex pers. (Fabaceae–Caesalpinioideae) at country broad-scale (Bénin, West Africa) South African Journal of Botany 95: 165–173
- Houehanou, T. D., Glèlè Kakaï, R. L., Assogbadjo, A. E., Kindomihou, V., Houinato, M., Wittig, R.and Sinsin, B. A. 2013. Change in the woody floristic composition, diversity and structure from protected to unprotected savannahs in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Benin, West Africa). African Journal of Ecology, 51: 358–365.
- Houehanou, D. T., Assogbadjo, A. E., Glèlè Kakaï, R. Kyndt, T., Sinsin, B. 2013. How far a protected area contributes to conserve habitat species composition and population structure of endangered African tree species. Ecological Complexity, 13: 60-68
- Houehanou, T. D., Assogbadjo, A. E., Glèlè Kakaï, R., Houinato, M., Sinsin, B., 2011. Valuation of local preferred uses and traditional ecological knowledge in relation to three multipurpose tree species in Benin (West Africa). Forest Policy and Economics 13: 554-562.
- Houehanou, T.D., Kindomihou V., Sinsin, B. 2011. Effectiveness of conservation areas in protecting Shea trees against hemiparasitic plants (Loranthaceae) in Benin, West Africa. Plant Ecology and Evolution 144(3): 267-274.