Dr Emile Agbangba
Research interests: Soil science and Plant nutrition – Agroforestery -Biomathematics – Agro – ecological Modeling – Ecophysiology
Research interests
- Soil science and Plant nutrition
- Agroforestery
- Biomathematics
- Agro-ecological Modeling
- Ecophysiology
Born in 1984, Codjo Emile AGBANGBA is an Agronomist Engineer (2008) and has a M.Sc. degree (2012) and a PhD in Agroforestry, Ecology, Adaptation (2016) at the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (Senegal) with focus on Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Previous researches of Emile focused mainly on the parameterization of DRIS model to diagnosis soil fertility for some important crops in Benin (Pineapple, cotton, sorghum, yam and groundnut). He is a member of the West African Researcher Association and he is implicated in numerous collaborative researches in Dakar (Senegal) and in Benin.
Awards and distinctions
- 2013-2016: Full DAAD scholarship for PhD studies in Agroforestry, Ecology, Adaptation
- 2013: WARC Travel Grant for purchasing Research
- 2011-2012: Full DAAD scholarship for MSc studies in Agroforestry, Ecology, Adaptation
- 2007-2008: congratulatory letter by the rector of the University for academic results
2003-2008: Full national five years scholarship for Agricultural studies.
Profiles and Curriculum
- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Valere_Salako
Total number of publications
- Articles scientifiques publiés dans les journaux: 36
- Communications: 3
- Documents techniques: 1
Key publications
- Dagbenonbakin G. D., Kindomihou V., Agbangba E. C., Sokpon N. and Sinsin B. 2013. Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) model establishment for diagnosing Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) nutrient status in Benin (West Africa). Scientific Research and Essays. Vol 8(32) pp. 1562-1569.
- Diallo A., Agbangba., E. C., Ndiaye O., Guisse A. 2013. Ecological structure and prediction equations for estimating tree age, and dendometric parameters of Acacia senegal in the Senegalese semi-arid zone -Ferlo. American Journal of Plant Science, Vol4, 1046-1053.
- Dagbénonbakin G.D, Agbangba C.E., Bognonkpe J.P. and Goldbach H. 2011. DRIS model parameterization to assess yam (Dioscorea rotundata) mineral nutrition in Benin (West Africa). European Journal of Scientific Research 49(1), 142-151.
- Agbangba C. E., G.P. Olodo, D. G. Dagbenonbakin, L.E. Akpo, N. Sokpon. 2011. Preliminary DRIS Model parametrization to access pineapple variety ‘Perola’ nutrient status in Benin (West Africa). African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 6(27), 5841-5847.
- Dagbénonbakin G. D., Agbangba C. E., Glèlè Kakaï R. and Goldbach H. 2010. Preliminary diagnosis of the nutrient status of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) in Benin (West Africa). Bulletin de la Recherche Agricole du Bénin, 67: 32-44.
- agbangbacodjoemile@gmail.com
- +229 63678425/+221 703565651