Afia Maï Adétoutou OMBADA
Personal Informations : Administration operations – Good skills in English – Traduction – Tourism and event management
Afia Maï Adétoutou OMBADA
Administration operations
Good skills in English
Tourism and event management
Afia has a Bachelor in Tourism and event management and two years experiences in secretary. She has undertaken several internships within leading organisations such as Royal Victoria Holiday Inn Hotel and Cupola Gallery Libya. These work placements have enabled her to develop not only specific customer care experience, but also a valuable and transferable skill set in this fast-paced sector. She mostly helps the coordinator of the master program in statistics major Biostatistics for students day to day management. She makes sure that students have their timetable, receive their lecture, submit with their home work and sit their exams on time. She also does everything students need for the good continuation of their stay throughout the program.
Indeed she obtained her Bachelor degree at Sheffield Hallam University in England in 2012. She is very helpful because she has a good communication skill and speaks fluently English which is simple to communicate with english speacking collaborators. Afia does also work with the Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forests Estimations (LABEF). She is in charge of the administration and all related to the paper work. She does her best in translation and interpreting. She helps the LABEF director for his day to day tasks. She was finally employed, at the Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forests Estimations (LABEF) at the Falcuty of Agronomics Sciences (FSA) which is within the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC).