Setting up a system of evaluation of the land use dynamics and follow up indicators of the transboundry biosphere reserve of the Mono (SESI_RBTM)

The proposal aims to reach a better knowledge of the resources and the dynamics of the land use of the transboundry biosphere reserve of the Mono. Specifically, the project aims to:
– To set the reference situation of the reserve of transboundry biosphere reserve of the Mono;
– To set up a management system of the data available on the reserve;
– To reinforce the capacities of the actors involved in the natural resources management of the reserve

Expected results
Implementation of the research activities will help to (i) get the reference situation of the land use management within and towards the transboundry biosphere reserve of the Mono; (ii) have a better knowledge as regards the dynamics of the land cover and (iii) set a protocol for data collection and management relating to the reserve.


  • Laboratoire de Biomathématiques et d’Estimations Forestières/Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Benin)
  • Université de Lomé (Togo)
  • Université Félix Houphouet Boigny (Côte d’Ivoire)
  • GIZ
  • Projet RBTM

Duration : 2 years (2017/2019)

Observation spatiale des forêts d’Afrique Centrale et de l’Ouest/IRD


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