Postodoctorants Postdoctorant Responsable d'unités de rechercheSecretaryChargé de la vie socialeCoordonnateur scientifiqueDirecteur du LaboChercheur associéDoctorantResearch assistantAllBruno LOKONONPostdoctorantResearch interests: Biostatistics - Forest estimations - Agroforestry - Climate change - Non timber forestènanmi Hermann Juliano HOUNDONOUGBOPostdoctorantResearch interests: Quantitative Ethnoecology - Invasion ecology - Stochastic demography - Evolutionary ecology - Climate 97184118Isidore GNONLONFOUNPostdoctorantResearch interests: Forestry and Agroforestry - Biology and Ecology of Invasion and Biology of Conservation - Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics - Climate change and Adaptations - Ethno-ecology and quantitative 95520020 Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest