Newletter of Labef (February)

Banner Feb1
Dear Labef members and followers,

We, at the Laboratoire de Biomathématiques et d’Estimations Forestières, once again are happy to share with you our monthly newsletter. Kindly be advised that you are free to share resources and opportunities with us ( any time and as many times as you can. We will value your contribution!


 We would like to inform you that:

  • The February 27th 2017, LABEF organized its second annual seminar on “Economic outcomes of protected areas as incentives for sustainable conservation of natural resources: a value chain based analysis. We appreciate the guest speaker, Prof Anne Floquet
  • From 17 – 21 April 2017, LABEF will organize the second training on statistical analysis, focusing on Longitudinal data analysis in R. The 50 available seating places will be granted at first come first served basis. Please fill in this online form ( ) for registration and proceed with payment at the Labef secretary to book your place.
  • Thursday, March 30th 2017, LABEF will organize the monthly scientific seminar on the topic: Introduction to web resources. The invited speaker is Mr Bienvenu AKODIGNA, Director of the Information Resource Center at the US Embassy in Cotonou, Benin.


This month we would also like to invite you to read the following publications from LABEF:


Below are some opportunities you may consider:

  • The Research Centre for Operations Research and Business Statistics (ORSTAT), Campus Leuven is looking for a PhD Researcher in the field of DISCRETE CHOICE EXPERIMENTS. For further detail, please see

Best regards,

Labef team

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