Curricula Master_Biostatistics

Code Courses titles Courses PS SPW CTH Credits Content
Semester I
MAT7411 Analysis (Pr Todjihounde) 401520754Measure and Integration Theory; and Complex Function Theory; Introductory Calculus
PDE7411 Partial Differential Equation (Assoc. Prof. Marcos) 401520754Examples of PDE Conservation Law, Integral Solutions, Equations of waves and heat in dimension 1 EDP applications in biology
PRO7411 Probability (Assoc. Prof. Ogouyandjou) 4030301004Uncertainty and randomness; random variables; Common probability distributions; conditional probability to approach.
UNI7411 Univariate statistical analysis (Dr Gbemavo) 20030502Tests for proportions; tests for means; Normality tests; Tests for equal variances
SCS7411 Statistical Computing and Simulation (Pr Glèlè Kakaï/Dr Hounmenou) 4030301004Learning programming in R, Matlab and Python
QGE7411 Quantitative genetics (Pr Senou) 4030301004Quantitative traits and model of description; Heritability of quantitative traits and computational resources for genetic parameter evaluation; Selection theory; Breeding value evaluation; Practical sessions in R.
GEO7411 Geostatistics (Dr Vihotogbe) 4030301004Geostatistics: Basic Statistics, Geostatistics: Two variables, Spatial Analysis, Geostatistics: Spatial Analysis, Kriging, Practical sessions in R.
IMV7411 Introduction to multivariate statistical methods (Pr Glèlè Kakaï / M. Tovissode) 4030301004Methodology for choosing a multivariate method, PCA, CA and Cluster analysis; Practical sessions in R.
Total Credits for Semester I 30
Semester II
SSE7412 Scientific seminars (Dr Donou) 4030301004Presentations by professionals, researchers and students in the field of biostatistics and related sciences
DIR7412 Database and Informatics Resources (Assoc. Prof. Kpenavoun) 4030301004Understand the principles and concepts of database systems in general and relations systems in particular; create and manage Database. Practical session in Access.
BAY7412 Introduction to Bayesian Statistics (M. Bonou) 4030301004Basic one-parameter model (estimation of proportions, means); multiparameter models (Mean of a normal with unknown variance).
Practical sessions in R.
SAN7412 Survival analysis (Pr. Gneyou from TOGO) 4030301004Non parametric techniques (Kaplan-Meier and NelsonAalen estimators), parametric techniques (maximum likelihood estimator); regression methods (Cox regression, Weibull method, etc.).
Practical sessions in R.
LIM7412 Linear Models (Pr Glèlè Kakaï/ M. Tovissode) 4030301004Simple and multiple regression techniques, BoxCox transformations of Y and/or X. Practical sessions in R.
SME7412 Statistical Methods in Economy (Assoc. Prof. Sodjinou) 4030301004Linear or linearizable regression-based methods, Limited dependent variable models, techniques of Impact assessment.
Practical sessions in R.
IAI7412 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(Dr Houndji)
5040601506Main basic techniques of artificial intelligence including machine learning for problem solving. Practical sessions in Python.
Total Credits for Semester II 30
Semester III
DOE7413 Design Of Experiments (Dr Salako) 4030100104Definitions and concepts; 2k-Factorial designs;
Response surface designs; Mixture designs; Augmented designs.
PNM7413 Population Niche modeling (Assoc. Prof. Fandohan) 4030301004Introduction and Theory, Developing a species’ distribution model, Current
Advances and perspectives. Practical sessions in R.
LGM7413 Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (Pr Glèlè Kakaï/Dr Lokonon) 4030301004General framework of generalized linear mixed models, estimation of parameters in Gaussian models, estimation in nonGaussian models, Significance test of coefficients, random intercept and/or slope models, link functions, Logit models, Poisson models. Practical sessions in R.
PMM7413 Population dynamics models (Assoc. Prof. Gaoue from USA) 4030301004Concept of population dynamics and different modeling approaches, develop research protocol to collect demographic data, build a life cycle diagram and parameterize matrix and integral projection models; Gain theoretical and practical experience in developing deterministic and stochastic models. Practical sessions in R.
MSM7413 Multivariate Statistical Methods (Dr Tovissode) 4030301004Multi-block data analysis, Discriminant analysis, CCA, MANOVA, DCA,
Decision tree analysis.
Practical sessions in R.
SME7413 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (Dr Agbla from UK) 4030301004Design and key concepts in Epidemiology, Regression methods for case-control studies, Regression methods for cohort studies and survival analysis, Introduction to causal inference. Practical sessions in R.
DME7413 Dynamic systems modeling in epidemiology (Assoc. Prof. Ngonghala from USA) 4030301004Basic concepts of infectious diseases; Compartmental models; Reproduction number; control measures; effective reproduction number; Multiple host models. Practical sessions in Matlab.
SCW7413 Scientific writing (Pr Assogbadjo) 202030502Types of manuscripts; Literature review; Title; Abstracts; Introduction; Methodology; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; References.
Total Credits for Semester III 30
Semester IV
MEM7414 Internship and Master's thesis 0075075030
Total Credits for Semester IV 30
PS: Practical session; SPW: Student Personal Work; CTH: Course Total Hours